Software & Hardware

As a company service to prepare solutions in the supply of hardware such as netbooks (netbooks and notebooks) with various brands, PCs (Individual Computers), monitors, printers, LCD projectors, fingerprint, face detector, proximity, etc.

In addition to providing hardware requirements, BSB provides software. Starting from the Operating System, Anti Virus, Office Suites (MS Office, etc.), to the needs of other software.

After-sales as a special key to our success in the business of providing hardware and software. Supported by experts in handling every problem in hardware and software, BSB strives to be at the forefront of this provision.

hardware and software functions

Hardware functions:

1. Input device has a role to enter external data into memory and processor for subsequent processing to produce the required information. Examples of input devices include: keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick, digital camera, touch screen, webcam, microphone, graphics pads.

2. Processing devices have roles in controlling all data processing processes starting from reading data from input equipment, processing to issuing information (output) to output equipment. Examples of processing devices: CPU, mainboard, processor, and memory.

3. Output devices have roles to display output as a result of the data processing process. The results of this expenditure can be in the form of hardcopy such as paper that is printed and contains information or softcopy shown on the monitor or can be in the form of sound. Examples of output devices: monitors, printers, plotters, speakers, and LCD projectors.

Software Functions

1. As a basis of the computer to operates hardware so it can works properly

2. As a connector. The presence of software is important along with its role as a connector between several other software and hardware other than computers.

3. As a Translator of other software commands into machine language or programming language so that it can be easily read by hardware.

4. As an identifier of a program inside the computer, to make the program known by the computer.


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